Tuesday, May 10, 2011


...of undigested red meat in his ass! Now that's a man!"

Commenting earlier to someone else's blog, I decided to take my comment and run with it. Create my own blog and let some thoughts rattle off. The stuff in the quotes is the original comment:

"Clowns have always been something dear to me. No, I do not have a vast collection of paintings, dolls, figurines or anything else of that nature. I just like clowns, what they represent. To me, a clown is a parody of real life that lets you look at life and see how silly it all is. Through a clown's antics, you can see how we all are really, as a people - a species - struggling to make our way through life, and make ourselves happy along the way.

It's a unique thing, that we as part of the animal kingdom possess the awareness to desire happiness. As I look down at my dog Laverne, I realize that she seeks comfort, but will she go to the same lengths to secure happiness for herself or others? Maybe she will.....but to the same degree as a human? Does she just revel in comfort and happiness when it is to be had, or is she like us in that we think we *deserve* happiness?"

Bringing it back to clowns.....what do you do when the clown is projecting a false image for others? His main passion is in making others smile and laugh, but what happens when that isn't enough? What happens when the happiness of others is no longer enough to determine the clown's inner emotions? How can the clown help others pick themselves back up when he can't do it himself? Hmm?

Yes.....I'm thinking that I'm that clown right about now. I try and hold my shit together, but lately I feel like the storm is winning; the storming is beating me down and in losing the battle I feel like I'm a failure in other areas.

Sometimes I just want to surrender and give up, but only sometimes. I don't always have the strength to fight back, but I have the patience to weather the storm. "This too shall pass" is a rallying cry for me right now. Maybe I'll need some meds to help me through it, and maybe my mind will just right itself. I hope so....I'm tired of feeling like an emotional little turd.


No, I don't really think this is true, but it makes me laugh.