Speaking with a deliciously awesome friend of mine, it has come to my attention that I am losing touch with an aspect of my youth that I'm not ready to let go: following through on the random urges to something silly. Things that you find the whimsical or childish people in films and books doing. "Luna Lovegood" from Harry Potter or "Clarisse" from Fahrenheit 451 know what I'm talking about ;)
Doing things for the sake of observing our own reactions. Trying new things for the sake of trying new things. Breaking the mold - or rules - for excitement's sake.
Going sledding at moment's notice (assuming we have snow), eating snowflakes, shedding clothing (and inhibitions) to skinny dip (or chunky dunk), dancing in the rain, playing board games intended for children, eating random foods for shock value, making midnight runs to the store for Kool-Aid or chocolate milk; and all those other things that I can't think of....these are things that you don't see grown ups do as often as teenagers.
To be a literal Willy Wonka or embrace Dr. Seuss' lessons; this is something I strive towards, but is it inevitably lost? Can I hold onto the sparkle of youth in my eye AND grow up?
Can y'all think of anything else? What's something stupid or youthful that you liked to do, but now find immature? Maybe you still like to do it....maybe you'd like to do it. Who knows....
I would seriously play Barbies right now if it were socially acceptable. I love rolling down hills. Hide and go seek is the best game ever, as is flashlight tag. I love Play-Doh, sledding, water balloon fights, and "having adventures" in wooded areas, particularly those that double as junkyards. Oh, and lets not forget Roller Racers and Big Wheels.