Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How To Suck At Life

Thoughts are all over the place, but writer's block is a bitch. Updates will be kept brief, until I have something more optimistic to report:

- Still have no job
- Have next to no money
- Have yet to receive an acceptance letter to any of the Universities to which I applied

Yep, that's pretty much it. Those sad tidbits and being very, VERY bummed out that I didn't get to San Diego Comic Con. And they had to drop the Man of Steel trailer in Hall H too! ARGH!!!

Saving money will be paramount once the job is finally lined up. Reason one, I want to have an impressive savings. Reason two, I want to begin working on a tattoo, the general idea of which is shown below.

However, I want elements of the tree from "The Fountain" around it, and I also want the limbs and roots to wrap all around my shoulders and legs respectively. For those who haven't seen "The Fountain," I'll include a pic below.

Stay tuned Boppers...